If your payment fails, there are a few steps you can take to resolve the issue. Here’s a detailed guide on how to troubleshoot and address payment issues.
Please do not make repeated attempts to complete a purchase to avoid multiple charges or temporary hold of funds. Double-check your card information and make sure it is put in correctly.
There could be a few possible reasons why your payment failed:
- Insufficient Funds: Your bank account (credit/debit card) left insufficient credit to make the payment.
- Incorrect information: The information you provided when making the purchase must match the details(eg. card number/CVV number/expiration dates) on your credit card.
- Fraud detection: This usually happens when you try to make a payment while connected to a VPN or when using a proxy. Having an unusual IP address (such as an IP address of a country different from the one where your credit card was issued) may also be the cause. Kindly disable the VPN and try again.
- Network issues: If your network connection is unreliable or experiencing interruptions, it can result in a failed payment.
How to resolve payment failure issues?
- Check if your payment method has sufficient balance.
- Check if your purchase information matches your credit or debit card information.
- Use another card or payment method
- Check if your Internet connection is working.
Before you begin troubleshooting, verify that your Internet connection is working whilst disconnected from the VPN. Disconnecting the VPN is to solve the bank risk control caused by IP changes. You can try to open a general website and make sure search results load properly. If the search doesn't work, there might be some issues with your Internet connection.
If none of the above resolves the issue, customer support should be your next step. They'll guide you through the necessary steps to fix it.